Saturday 21 November 2015

mali attack

Mali hotel attack: 21 dead, Islamist group claims ... -
7 hours ago - Deadly Mali hotel attack: 'They were shooting at anything that moved' ... (CNN)Heavily armed gunmen on Friday fired indiscriminately at guests at a hotel hosting diplomats and others in Mali's capital, the maître d' told CNN. ... They were shooting at anything that moved," Tamba Couye ...

Mali is in north west of Africa

Timbaktu has heritage mosque built in 14th century.

in Feb2012 it was damaged by  islamic jihadis and restored by UN.

Friday 16 October 2015

Latest whatsapp

THIS is America :) Show to Span 11 class for geography project page 3 ¿Quién es americano y quién es español?" section.: American Landscape, Defin America, America Hispaniccultur, Attention People, America United, America Yes Thi, America Bellring, Central America, Culture

2 Indian Engineers Sued Apple For Copying Their Patent Technology & Won!

A team of four inventors, including two Indian engineers, won a case against tech giant Apple Inc. for using their patent technology in its products without permission.
The India-born engineers are professor Gurindar Sohi and Terani Vijaykumar, who moved to US after completing their graduation from Birla Institute of Technology and Science in Pilani (Rajasthan).
The lawsuit was brought in January 2014 by the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF), the licensing arm of University of Wisconsin. It complained against Apple Inc. for using their patent without permission to “enhance efficiency and performance” of its signature products.
The lawsuit filed by WARF said that Mr. Sohi led the lab in University of Wisconsin-Madison, that developed a 1998 patent to enhance efficiency in computer processors.

The jury found out that Apple illegally used the patent's technology in its processors to enhance the performance of some of its iPhones and iPads. 

The university has sought around $862.4 million in damages, but the jury has yet to rule on the sum to be awarded. Apple Inc., in its defense said in the court that the patent was invalid and that there was no infringement.
Incidentally, Apple was sued again last month by the same group for infringement on its technology patent and using it in its more recent processors. The case is still pending.

University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

I studied in this university from 1968 to 70. 

vijay setia

Monday 13 July 2015

setia: we are hiring

Tilak Nagar : S D Mandir  Market: Delhi

c 43 wazirpur Industrial area, delhi 110052

we are hiring

 sales staff

Part time & Full time 

SMS:  Name, City, qualification



हम नौकरी पर रख रहे हैं 

सेल्स स्टाफ

पार्ट टाइम & फुल टाइम 
एस  एम एस :


Tuesday 6 January 2015


सेल में नौकरी चाहिए ? 

फुल टाईम ,पार्ट टाईम  
देश के किसी भी शहर

में , ज्यादा पढ़े  
और कम पढ़े , 
मेल फीमेल  तो 


09810590905 , 

नाम , पता, उमर ,पढ़ाई।  

घंटे, दिन या महीने 

या कमीशन के हिसाब 
से पेमेंट  ?

paul Newman





A coalition of CEOs 
united in the belief that
societal improvement is an 
essential measure of 
business performance, 

CECP is committed to 
the vision of its founder, 
Paul Newman,
Paul Newman

who understood that 
corporations could be 
force for good in society.  

Saturday 3 January 2015

Haryana road safety guidelines in Hindi

Friday 2 January 2015




हाईवे पे चढ़ने से पहले 
रुको और हाईवे पे चल रही 
गाड़ियों को जाने दो और फिर 
आप सब से नजदीक वाली लेन 
में जाय्न  करो. . 

यहां ध्यान  रहे की आप के पीछे आ रही गाड़ी वाला 
आप  की गाड़ी से थोड़ी दूर आ कर रुके 
और अपनी बारी का इन्तजार करे ?


मोटर वेहाईकल  डिपार्टमेन्ट 
कहता है के ज्यादा एक्सीडेंट 
ड्रंकन ड्राइविंग के कारण होते हैं। 

मैं समझता हूँ की इस का 
मेन कारण 
ड्राइविंग करना ना आना है। 

हाईवे पे ड्राइव करने से पहले 
नियम जानो !

हर  10 किलो मीटर  प्रति घन्टा 
की स्पीड के लिए. अगली और पिछली 
गाड़ी के बीच एक गाड़ी की 
लम्बाई जितना लम्बा डिस्टेंस रखो  . 

80 की स्पीड पे 8 गाड़ीयों की लम्बाई 
जितना और  150  पे  15  गाडिओं 
की लम्बाई जितना  . 

अगर पिछली गाड़ी ज्यादा नजदीक 
आने लगे तो आप साइड में हो जाओ 
और उसे आगे जाने दो।  

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