Saturday 3 June 2017

1974 से सब से बड़ीया यू पीवीसी पाइप ........सेतिया

Setia : Quality Praise

 Leo Tolestoy

"You can always buy things a little cheaper and a little inferior"

टॉलस्टॉय ने लिखा है

आप हमेशा थोडा सस्ता और 
थोडा घटिया माल खरीद सकते हैं

और यह भी किसी विद्वान् ने ही कहा है

आप कुछ लोगों को कुछ बार ही ठग सकते हैं 
आप हर एक को हर बार नहीं ठग सकते 

You can cheat some of the people some of the time
But you cant cheat all the people all the times

1974 से सब से बड़ीया यू पीवीसी पाइप्स 

9990333301 to 12

Friday 2 June 2017

Walk the earth ... my 17-year vow of silence | John Francis

John Francis (born 1946) 

is an American environmentalist nicknamed the planetwalker

Born in Philadelphia, the son of a West Indian immigrant, he moved to Marin CountyCalifornia as a young man. 

After witnessing the devastation caused by the 1971 San Francisco Bay oil spill, he stopped riding in motorized vehicles, a vow which lasted 22 years from 1972 until 1994.

From 1973 until 1990, he also spent 17 years voluntarily silent. 

During this time he earned a Ph.D. in land management and traveled extensively, 

walking across the entire width of the lower 48 states of the USA as well as walking to South America

Ted Talk

For more GO  TO


Shipwrecked for 38 days: the real life family Robertson



Thursday 1 June 2017

vsit Manali. Here my daughter is married to Nakul Khullar (Ram Gadiyas) 9817069114...9816248514

Vijay Setia 9810266414

my last visit to my daughter's home in Naggar near Manali on left bank of Vyas River.

shooting of some movie in progress

My daughter's name Samita Khullar nick name mitu ..........9816089988

My son in law's  name Nakul Khullar .......9817069114...9816248514

Ramgarh Heritage Villa in Raison, Near Catch Water Plant on right bank of  Vyas River


Do visit and have tea or coffee with her, whenever you visit Manali.  Call Nakul Khullar .......9817069114...9816248514

Rest is upto you and them.

Vijay Setia ....Scrooge 

Did you see this home in the movie Krish

Baragarh Estate near Naggar

Nakul Khullar .......9817069114...9816248514

Image result for ramgarh himachal

Ramgarh Villa

Near Catch Water Plant, Raison

Many movies shot here as well

Nakul Khullar .......9817069114...9816248514